Take a Virtual Trip to Georgia!

Nothing could be finer than Spring in Georgia. And, that’s what you will explore in this interactive writing experience! Get your creative juices kick started and flowing in a new direction. Webinar presenter/College Professor/Writer Meg Petersen will escort you on a virtual visit to the state that brings us a glorious blend of the old and the new, from peaches to Coca Cola! Meg will use the technology of Zoom and Story Maps to take you there. Your virtual trip will most definitely stimulate creativity.

Haven’t heard of Story Maps? Here’s an introduction for you.

Ready to try it out?!

WHERE: On the internet! You can login from anywhere.

WHEN: Saturday, May 22, 2021, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST
*Registration closes May 17, 2021/Class minimum: 4

COST: $40 for members/$60 for nonmembers

