Look What’s Happening Between Now and the Holidays!

Look at this impressive schedule!

The organization is focusing on the art of poetry in a two-session workshop series, “The Language of Poetry.” These classes are taking place on Saturdays, November 23, 2019 and December 7, 2019 from 10:00 a.m. to noon. Award-winning poet Deborah Brown will be presenting. This series is focused on image, metaphor and simile. Participants will review examples of contemporary poetry and will critique their own work in session two.

On Wednesday, December 4 from 7 to 8 p.m., the NHWP is hosting a webinar presented by Alison Murphy. In the “Scrivener Workshop,” Murphy will provide an overview of the robust writing software. Scrivener is intended to help writers organize their thoughts, improve their writing process, and finish their manuscript. The tool is so large that it can be overwhelming without experience and tips from an expert.

On the afternoon of Saturday, December 7, 2019, 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. “Writing the Monologue: Approaches to Giving Voice to the Voiceless.” Participants will learn varied ways to tap into the critical psyche of their characters and, deepen the overall meaning of their work. Robbi D’Allesandro is the instructor for this session. D’Allesandro is an acclaimed playwright whose works have been featured on stage, in cinema, and television.

Saturday, December 14, 2019 from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m., the NHWP is hosting its Annual Holiday Open House. Guests will be offered an array of holiday treats, fellowship and traditional holiday activities including a tree trim. This is also the stage for the big reveal of who the Keynote Speaker of the 2020 603 Writers’ Conference will be.

The NHWP office is at the Ford House on the SNHU campus, 2500 N. River Road, Manchester, NH. Most NHWP events take place there.

