Give a Gift and Support Local Authors

Do you have a book lover on your shopping list? If so, consider purchasing one or more of the many books our NHWP members have written and published this year.  You can find the titles and descriptions here. Or you may want to choose from the list of nominees for the 2019 NH Literary Awards. You can find that list here. Most of these books are available through Amazon, Gibson’s Bookstore and the Toadstool Bookstores.

A membership to the NHWP makes a great gift for your friends and family who have the “writing bug.” Help them hone their writing skills, learn about publishing and marketing their work, and find a community of fellow writers of all genres and experience levels. Simply follow this link to gift them with a year-long experience they will treasure.

A NHWP workshop registration makes a super gift for the writers or potential writers on your holiday list. The recipient will be able to select a workshop they find most interesting and helpful. You can see a sample of some of our offerings here.

