Darling You’re Making a Scene, with Áine Greaney

Whether you’re writing long-form or short (essay-length) memoir, you need to engage your readers via lively, memorable scenes that draw the reader in and make them care about you and your story.

In this overview workshop, participants will learn:

  • The all-important opening scene and how to let your readers “in”
  • Macro and micro issues of scene building
  • Balancing “live” scenes with your narrative or explainer paragraphs
  • Achieving vividness to make your readers care
  • Dialog in your scene

Irish native Áine Greaney now lives in Newburyport, MA.  In addition to her published books, her personal and memoir essays have appeared or been cited in publications such as The New York Times, The Boston Globe Magazine, Best American Essays, Creative Nonfiction, Another Chicago Magazine, The Mindful Word, The Daily Wisdom, KevinMD, World of Psychology and other outlets.

In addition to creative writing, she leads writing workshops and presentations at various community and academic locations and conferences.


