Critique Partner Match-Up

Want a chance to meet up with a writer with similar interests to your own, someone who can help critique your writing while you do the same for them? Sign up for online critique partners. Before the session on October 22, each participant will be asked to fill out a form identifying his or her region, town, genre, and writing level. During the Zoom meeting, we will explore the most suitable matches based on genre, interest, level of experience, or some combination of all three.  The goal is to match you up with a writer or group of writers who can give you constructive feedback on your work in progress.  You, in turn, will review the work of the other writer or writers and offer your insight.

WHERE: On the internet! You can log in from anywhere.

WHEN: October 22, 2022, 10:0 AM – 12:00 PM (Note: you must fill out this form by October 15th so we can match you with potential partners before the online session.)

COST: FREE for Members/$20 for nonmembers.


  • Dan Pouliot

    A New Hampshire native, Dan Pouliot earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts from UNH, and his digital works are in multiple permanent collections. He is Vice-Chair of the New Hampshire Writers’ Project. His passion for positive thinking sets the stage for his debut young adult novel, Super Human, published by PortalStar Publishing. Dan describes Super Human as The Karate Kid meets Escape to Witch Mountain.

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